... Where We Teach Different Students, Differently.

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Closer Look Christian Academy (CLCA) admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all of the rights and privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. Closer Look Christian Academy (CLCA) does not discriminate based on race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship programs, and other school administered programs. CLCA is a ministry of Closer Look Ministries, Inc.
Bible and Christian Doctrine
Foundational to the Christian curriculum is the study of the Bible. Students need to be mastered by the Word of God before they can properly evaluate the writings of men. Bible study focuses the student's attention on the inspired text of the Bible. Its purpose is not the mere study of religion, nor even historical studies of Bible characters, but to arrive at a unified understanding of the biblical system of truth.
In addition, the Christian student should be equipped to translate his knowledge of the Bible and its teachings into a philosophy that can challenge the wisdom of this world. Therefore, our curriculum includes training in a biblical worldview and apologetics.
Christian curriculum should seek to acquaint students with the great literature which has helped shape Western Civilization. The study of such literature, however, must be judged by the greatest book ever written—the Bible. The student should be challenged to evaluate the words of human authors by the Word of truth.
Your student will also be taught to distinguish Christian classics from the classics of unbelief. Priority should be given to the great classics which have either been written by Christians or reflect Christian values. Students should be encouraged to read these and become acquainted with good writing. This should both inspire them to live a life pleasing to God and help them write well.
Writing, Spelling, and Grammar
After the basic foundation is completed in phonics, grammatical skills must be developed as the foundation for writing and communicating well. The skill and art of writing is critical for students to express their thoughts clearly. Students need to learn how to use different kinds of sentences, to bring them logically together to form paragraphs, and to organize these paragraphs skillfully while developing stories and essays. They also need to learn how to spell correctly and choose the appropriate vocabulary.
Writing, however, is never neutral. Therefore our students must be taught to write and speak God's truth in love. Students need not only to master language but learn how to use it correctly. They need to learn how to communicate effectively for the glory of God.
Phonics and Reading
Our understanding of language begins with God's Word. The three persons of the Trinity have spoken to each other eternally. In the beginning God spoke and it came to pass. When God created man in His own image, He gave him the gift of language. Because God is the source of language, He must regulate its use.
Christian education requires the student to study God's Word. To this end students must learn to read, and the best way to learn reading is to begin with phonics. Learning sounds of letters and letter combinations provides the key to pronunciation. Phonics develops the linguistic abilities that help students to glorify God.
Skills in phonics are reinforced and developed through a good reading program. Since reading is basic to learning all other subjects, this program provides reading opportunities in a range of subjects. Such reading should help the child prepare to read God's Word and other textbooks.
History and Geography
God is the Lord of history. History has not only been planned by God but proceeds according to His purpose. For this reason all history—ancient, medieval, and modern—must be viewed as the sovereign rule of God over the affairs of men. All men and nations are accountable to Him. The study of history warns students that God's curse falls upon unfaithfulness and His blessing rests upon faithfulness.
A proper understanding of history is built around the key events of creation, man's fall into sin, the cross of Christ, and the return of Christ. Because of sin and grace, history is a conflict between the children of light and the children of darkness. Students should be equipped to study the vain attempts of apostate men to build the kingdom of man.
But above all they should learn that history has one center and purpose. God's plan is to sum up all things in Christ (Eph. 1:10). Consequently its meaning and interpretation must be understood in terms of Christ. It is more than a chronicle of names, dates, places, and events. Its meaning is found in the redemptive work of Christ and how He is building His church. This is why church history and missions are an integral part of our study of history.
Government and Economics
A biblical presentation of the social order is needed to address effectively the current corruption of society and show forth God's pattern for a godly society, government, and economy. The Bible and its laws provide the tools for evaluating the various social structures of different nations and peoples.
The Old Testament reveals God's system of law for civil government. The student who learns this system has the proper criterion by which to critique human governments of the past and present. By using God's perfect law as the standard, political orders can be analyzed as to their structure, laws, and policies.
God is the possessor of the earth, and the giver of all wealth. He owns it, and gives it to whomever He wills. He also ordained laws to govern economics. God has given men the right to own private property, the right to choose an occupation, the right to make a profit, and the right to decide how earnings should be spent. Scripture provides guidelines for how an economic system can glorify God and how people can show charity toward the needs of others.
God is a God of order (1 Cor. 14:33). As students study His created universe they should see His marvelous numerical order. Students should be led to marvel at God's mathematical ingenuity. They should learn that it is not possible for them to understand creation without His gift of mathematics, for they would not have the tools for measuring His works.
Mathematics is also a tool to help men rule over the earth under God. All callings in life demand planning, calculating, and evaluating in order to carry out one's responsibilities. Students learn that math plays an important role in their lives. They see how it is used in such areas as business, medicine, engineering, art, science, linguistics, and economics. They master this wonderful gift to advance God's glory on earth.
Science and Technology
The study of science should focus on God's creation and not just critique evolution. By studying God's creation, students see God's awesome power, the beauty of His handiwork and the design reflected in every creature.
After creation was brought into existence by God in six days, man was created to understand and subdue it for His glory. He is to cultivate, care for, and develop each aspect of the world. To subdue the earth as God commanded, the student must acquire an organized and systematic scientific knowledge. He must study the God-created facts of the world and understand how they are related by means of divinely ordained laws for creation.
As students grow in their knowledge and appreciation of creation, they learn to use this knowledge for the glory of God and the good of others. Scientific knowledge has always resulted in the development of new technology. Consequently, students learn about its role in modern life, and how they may serve God through its proper use.